It is time to change our approach to personal finance and money.
You are here reading this post because you are looking for ways to make an income online and have a securer financial future.
But are we handling our approach to money and wealth in the right way?
Around the world there are millions if not billions of people who have a troubled relationship with money and how they handle their personal finance.
People living pay check to pay check or saddled with debt is an indicator that something is wrong.
But it would be wrong for those in trouble to point the finger at our employer, or the economy, or the banks in the search for who to blame.
We need to rethink personal finance and encourage others to have a rethink – join the movement of financial empowerment that is already underway.
Many of us jump online looking to make a fast buck. Part of the problem is we are looking for a quick fix.
But whether you are looking for extra income or a full income online or offline, we have to accept – and pardon my French – we are screwed when it comes to how we approach our drive for financial security.
That’s what it is about – we are looking for wealth and financial security. Yet we don’t build a solid base on which to grow.
We chase the quick fix of cash and then wonder where it went as we spend it as quickly as it came in.
I personally have handled my personal finances poorly during my career until I woke up a few years ago to a better approach to financial freedom.
That’s why we need to rethink personal finance.
If you have been following my emails, blog posts and videos, you will know I encourage people to build an asset base.
Yeah, it sounds a bit boring. Chasing big bucks sounds more sexy, right?
But freedom lies in asset ownership and cash.
And it has never been easier to start building assets that can set you on the path to wealth and financial security.
We have options at our fingertips online to buy assets.
There are options like buying precious metals or cryptocurrencies and other assets.
Jumping on the asset-building bandwagon can be a game changer – even if you start small.
One of my friends and colleagues Sally started with just $300 and began to build from there under the option HERE.
She’s building an asset base and she’s making an income from promoting this approach, through the company’s affiliate program.
Assets and cash – a good combination.
We run a very supportive online group to help people on this path.
Stay tuned for more on this.