Is millionaire Grant Cardone mad?

Are you open to receiving money and have you got a millionaire mindset?

Surprisingly, many of us sabotage ourselves.

That’s right – our unconscious mind can block us, can raise questions about money, can tell us we are not worthy.

Typically, it comes from our childhood, our parents, and our upbringing.

You know the old sayings – money doesn’t grow on trees and the rich are wicked.

Very often we carry mental blocks unaware that this type of mindset will not help us when we are building a business online, accumulating assets, and seeking to become wealthy through the process.


Last week I was on a video training call with colleagues for a group I run on Facebook involved with asset accumulation.

As I explained and our group discussion agreed, we have to actively open our mind to the idea of receiving money, particularly when we are talking of the prospect of becoming a millionaire.

Millionaire Grant Cardone is good on this. He actually says if you just settle for saving a million dollars “you are a deadbeat” – his words.

Is he crazy?

He talks about going big, going 10X …

Now if you are reading this thinking – wow, I’m only thinking about making $10,000 a month online – that’s fine. But even with this desire in your mind, it helps to embrace a “millionaire mindset”.

That’s what myself and my colleagues were talking about last week – and as we admitted, it takes effort to change from an attitude of “live within your means” and “don’t have crazy dreams” to the possibility that we could become millionaires through asset accumulation or building a business online.


Three out of the four of us on that call last night look like we have the chance to become millionaires within the next five years due to our asset accumulation – but I am not writing to promote that asset accumulation process in this post. For us it is a matter of having the right money mindset and taking the right action to buy assets.

(NOTE: See The New Online Paradigm approach to a more holistic approach to building a business online for more on the importance of combining income earned with buying the right assets).

Millionaire T. Harv Eker provides us with an excellent book on this – Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.
Get it if you can.

Harv’s main point is we have to actively throw off the imbedded thinking – thinking that sometimes we are not consciously aware of – and embrace an open mindset to money.


The problem with Harv’s drive to encourage people to open up to money is that a lot of us tend to jump to a default position – oh, that’s just woo woo stuff. This just can’t work.

Just like the message of The Secret and The Law of Abundance, many of us are skeptical of these “mind games” and throw the baby out with the bath water. It’s easy to dismiss.

But if we really want to “make-money-online” and “make-big-bucks” it is crucially important we improve our mindset to be open to money. If we want to invest in assets and see growth, we need to open our minds up to money.

Change our mindset and take action.

And there is nothing wrong with this. With money and wealth we can look after ourselves, our families and no doubt help others. If we are just living from paycheck to paycheck then this is tough to do.
This is powerful stuff. Read Harv’s book. Actively work on this. And be sure you take action, whether it is working hard on your business or building assets, or both.

Embrace it and I believe you will start to see a difference.

No promises of big bucks dropping out of nowhere into your bank account.

Let’s be real.

But it is more than likely you will begin to see positive change.

(NOTE: If you are seriously interested in asset accumulation, sign up for a free account and take action – CLICK HERE)