Are you prepared for the ‘disruptive’ 2020s?

WARNING! Are you prepared for the “Disruptive 2020s”?

A century ago, shortly after the horror of World War 1, many in the West whooped it up in what became known as the “Roaring 20s”. Who can blame them? It was a chance to let their hair down and party after hard times.

Today, a century later, we are facing a decade that will offer opportunity but also danger.

We are now embarking on a journey that will see major disruption on a number of levels.

And if you are not prepared, you could be in trouble – DEEP TROUBLE.

If you are seeking success online and offline in terms of income and wealth building, 2020 and the 2020s could offer you amazing opportunities to thrive.

But we need to understand that our world is changing and these changes – disruptive changes – could affect us directly.

This decade will see massive change in terms of developments online and offline driven by private companies and governments seeking to “sell us” convenience, comfort and development.

Massive change in the digital, tech, artificial intelligence and robot arena will directly impact millions if not billions of people.

There are positives to this – but many people will suffer from job losses, changing work environments and conditions, and a loss of privacy and security.

And it helps a lot if we stay tuned in to what is happening so that we really understand it and thrive, rather than being sheep herded into a pen.

We need to maintain our freedom and autonomy.

If you are building a business online, for example, you are one a very small percentage of people who are taking things into their own hands, seeking to some extent to control your destiny.

If you are building assets with an Exit Plan to be financially free, you have some control over your destiny.

If you are learning new skills and gaining knowledge to ride the wave of change then you are in a much better position compared with 95 percent of the population who rely on bosses, banks and governments to have their back.

And let’s be clear – Bosses, banks and governments do not have our backs.
Hence, it is vitally important we wake up to two-faces of the 2020 decade.
The “Disruptive 20s” is one of opportunity, a chance to thrive.

But the other face is one of dire problems for people who cannot ride the wave.

What we need to do is keep the big picture in mind as we roll through the 2020s.

What’s needed?

• We need to build our skills and adapt (online, offline or both).

• We need to improve our knowledge of the cutting edge developments that are unfolding.

• We need to consciously work to become more autonomous.

• We need to set up and run a wealth-building plan that provides us security and freedom.

• We need to join communities – online or offline – that provide support.

• We need to encourage others to join us.

Gone are the days when our parents or grandparents theoretically had the chance to have a job for life and retire in comfort. All that has gone.

We are on our own. But we have a growing number of like-minded people with whom to share the journey.

If you tune in to what is happening you will come to realize that even this first year of the “Disruptive 20s” will be eventful, not least when it comes to the move towards the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies.

How can you thrive in the “Disruptive 2020s”?

Stay tuned to developments, build your skills, and take action to Embrace Change.
I will be providing emails, blog posts, videos and training as we go through the coming months to help you Embrace Change.

Buckle Up For The Ride!