The ‘secret sauce’ for success online

What’s the secret to building a successful business online? A special traffic method that gets you more leads? A great funnel? A top notch Facebook page?

There are a lot of tools and tricks to help you bring in leads, followers and customers to your online business. But underneath it all is your core foundation – personal growth and working on your skills.

Very often a successful internet marketer’s secret is all the effort he or she has put in to developing themselves as a person – working on their mindset and building their skills.

Building this strength does not necessarily mean going back to school or college. If fact the vast majority of the leaders in the online space are “self learners” – they do it themselves through reading books, watching videos, taking courses, and seeking out coaches, trainers and mentors to help them improve their game.

Vishen Lakhiani, founder of Mindvalley, which helps train and empower people with their work and personal growth stresses the secret to successful people – whatever the field – is putting personal growth first. This can literally mean putting reading, learning, meditation, and skills training first in your day.

This can mean blocking out any interruptions or calls on their attention. Ideally, they stay lazar-focused.

What successful people do – or those on the path to success – is they get up early and make “self-learning” the priority or at least make sure they have sacred time put aside to build their knowledge and capabilities.

This is not a matter of going back to school – and in fact school or college is often not the best environment to learn – both in terms of the teaching and training methods and actually what you are learning when it comes to skills and knowledge that will really help you with your online business or leveraging the internet for success in your career.

Most colleges and schools suck at providing anything worthwhile that you could use to create an online business.

Think about it for a second – how much do you remember from school and college? And even if you do remember, how useful is it in terms of being a “self-propelled” online entrepreneur.

For example, I studied business at college but over ninety percent of the skills I use today for my online business are what I have learnt myself and with the help of internet marketing and training.

So how should you proceed?

As Mindvalley’s founder Vishen puts it, place personal growth first. Spend at least an hour or two a day working on your skills and personal growth.

Keep in mind this is not a 100-meter race – it’s like training for a marathon. Day by day, week by week, you work on your skills and knowledge to “crack the code” – build the skills to have success online.

Vishen says that it is important to master yourself. Ask yourself week after week – did I grow? Am I making progress?

Your growth is the key to your success online. After all, there is no “push-button” system that spits out big bucks – despite some of the hype over some internet marketing products.

The secret that the leaders in the internet marketing space stress again and again is the need to build knowledge, build skills, and practice – trying, slipping up, trying again, succeeding, failing forward, whatever it takes to keep moving forward.

So do yourself a favor if you are not already doing this – take time out every day to “build the best YOU that you can be” – you will not regret it, I promise.